
Todd Wackford avatar image
Todd Wackford asked

Change 12|3000|120 Multiplus back to grid "None" in VEConfig - How?

Yesm I should have created a backup default config file but I didn't. Anyway, I was wanting to look at the different settings for the system for ESS, so I chose "Country / Grid code Standard - Other" and uploaded that to the Multiplus. Now I want to go back to "None" but it wants a password.

What is the password, or is there another way to revert to default VEConfigure?


MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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boekel avatar image boekel ♦ commented ·

You can get the password from your distributor. (I've emailed it to you.)

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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

easy way is reinstall the firmware and or update the FW and that will reset it to default settings,

note any past changes will need to be redone

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