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solid2412 asked

Multiplus MK2 IMains

Hello dear community,

i just bought a MP2 48V/5000, cerbo and mk2 rs232 interface and using it with a DIY battery. It is working pretty well. I was able to implement all data in my bulding managment with mk2-rs232 which are also available on the cerbo interface. Values of inverter output power, battery voltage, battery current, soc, mains voltage, output voltage are pretty fine and good. The only problem is, that the mains current is just not the right value. If i calculate the mains power (because this data is not available on ve.bus mk2) Imains*Umains i will get always a value about 160W-250W, because Imains is always 0,73A or 1,1A (it is jumping). But in cerbo interface there is the value of about -10W - 10W. Do somebody know how they get the grid power or why my mains current is just wrong?

There are two posibilities to read the main current from the bus, but both are the same and just wrong.

Thank you in advance :-)

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