Hi all,
By default I need to use individual phase regulations for various reasons: operator not explicitly allowing it, unstable and voltage getting to high, nothing I can do about it, being in a rural area and no plans to invest in local infrastructure.
I also use mypv acthors to consume surplus, everything works great.
Now assume 3~ quattros 10kva/8kw loaded at 7kw/each. Now a new single-phased consumer gets online and loads say the first quattro to 10kw so current loads are 10kw, 7kw, 7kw. At this point 1st quattro is overloaded and has to get 2kw power from grid L1.
It would be very nice if for overload occasions the other 2 quattros on L2 and L3 could compensate for the grid on L1.
Victron already has the best software and I think this could be a perfect addition. If victron can't do it, I'm willing to help with the coding if anyone could pinpoint me in the right direction as to where to start. Does this need updating the ESS assistant in quattros? or can this be done just from the cerbo itself? If from cerbo, is it some .py script or one of the binaries?