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wscholtz asked

Communication between SmartSolar MPPT and Blue Smart IP65 chargers for synchronized charging

Currently I am using a SmartSolar MPPT with 200W of solar panels and using this power for my workstation during the day. However when clouds move overhead or some shadows from trees fall over the solar panels the power output drops to below that of my workstation's power draw which means power is being pulled from the battery.

I have a Blue Smart IP65 (12/15) charger that I use to top up the batteries if needed, but I'm doing this manually. I.e. switching the Blue Smart charger on and off manually.

My feature request is to enable communication between the SmartSolar MPPT controller and the Blue Smart charger to allow some "smart" programming to switch the Blue Smart charger on if the power from the SmartSolar MPPT drops below a certain amount, and off if the power from the SmartSolar MPPT rises above a certain threshold again. Would be great if power from multiple SmartSolar MPPTs could be taken into account.

The problem being solved is getting the most out of the MPPT controller while still preventing discharging from the batteries while there is grid power.

MPPT SmartSolarchargerfeature requestip65
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