
kand avatar image
kand asked

Quattro and battery settings using Vregs


Is it possible to read/write battery settings (e.g. absorption voltage level) to a Quattro inverter/charger using VE.Can connection and the registers described in vecan-registers-public.pdf?

The device returns a NACK when try to read these values.

We have set a custom battery type using the VEConfig application.

Thank you.

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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2 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

I use socketcan and it reads/writes via virtual interface just fine.

BMS parameters are not in public registers, they are proprietary and available to manufacturers via official channels.

It is a badly kept secret and if you google you will find the spec.

It wasn’t difficult to work out by sniffing the broadcasts.

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kand avatar image
kand answered ·

Thank you for your answer.

We have already implemented basic BMS monitor data such as SOC, Voltage, Current, TimeToGo, etc. using NMEA 2000 standard messages.

I need to control battery charging algorithm on the Quattro using Victron proprietary messages as described in the publicly available document, especially to change dynamically battery absorption voltage (register 0xEDF7).

Do you know if this is possible for the Quattro?

Our setup is: Custom board -> Cerbo GX -> Quattro using a VE.Can (CAN bus) interface.

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
As far as I am aware you can only use the registers for cvl,ccl and dcl to control the system via dvcc. And those are not in the public doc, which seems to be dedicated for Victron bms’s.
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