
freddyuk avatar image
freddyuk asked

What just happened? Power shutdown.

I have a Quattro with CCGX controlling 6kw of solar with Aquion batteries. Grid connected. This morning the system completely shut down for a few seconds and then rebooted and all was back to normal. There are no alarms or log events. The system seems to have shut down as the charging took the battery voltage to 60+ volts which is ok for the batteries but for some reason the Quattro shut off at this point.

Any ideas why this happened?screen-shot-2023-04-04-at-084059.png

quattro 10kva
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3 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

What type of battery is this? What are the specs? 60V is high for any battery.

If it is unmanaged lithium it probably shut itself off, since this happened at full charge.

Sounds like the system is configured incorrectly, but without any supporting data, or documented configuration there is little else to help with.

It's a lot like pointing to a broken down car and saying why did it break? Many reasons and we're fresh out of crystal balls.

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Michelle Konzack avatar image
Michelle Konzack answered ·

60V is high for any battery.

Not really, if you have SOPzS cells, which need 2,55V to balance.

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·

These are Sodium ion from a now bankrupt business. Float is 55V and Absorption is 59.5V, presuming these are the right ones.screenshot-2023-04-04-at-170343.png

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freddyuk avatar image
freddyuk answered ·

Correct as I stated these are Aquion stacks and have a very wide range of voltage which the Victron ESS will not cope with so capacity is limited to 37.2v. If the voltage hits 40v the system will pull in grid power annoyingly. The charging voltage can go as high as 70v depending on the ambient temperature. I am in Ireland so cooler temperatures than the manufacturers test data so I have set mine at the 60v level.

The above settings are roughly correct and I have not adjusted for years. It does not shut down normally at these settings - just this one anomaly.

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