In my camper I have 3 changing/power options in parallel for my auxiliary batteries:
1)Quattro 12V based system
2)MPPT 75/15 solar charger
3)24V to 12 V converter connected to the main car batteries while driving.
The 24V to 12V converter does not charge the auxiliary batteries well; it does not regulate the output voltage properly. I am able to operate refrigerator, lights etc. by using this system in case the auxiliary battery is empty.
To be able to charge the auxiliary battery while driving I came up with the idea to connect the 24V main battery to the solar input of the MPPT75/15 and disconnecting (and float) the solar panel (relay). In this case the car generator would act like a ‘solar panel’, generating about 24-28V ‘sun’ voltage.
The MPPT does manage the output voltage well for charging of the batteries and I should be able to charge the auxiliary batteries properly.
Would this be a good option? And a smart choice to do? Or can I expect issues?
Thanks for your help, B