
smallsolar avatar image
smallsolar asked

VRM Not showing solar yield for over a week

I have Venus OS installed (2.92) on a RPi4 (working on updating OS) and everything is still working charging wise etc, but I noticed that when I go into VRM the Solar Production hadn't been working over the last week. I thought it was just that Victron had removed the feature from VRM. But when I change the date range for the summary at the bottom of the dashboard I see that Solar Production yields dropped off abruptly on March 19 (see photo), yet the system is still charging and working perfectly fine from a production standpoint as far as I am aware (battery charges to 100% daily, etc) I don't recall making any changes around that time that could have caused this, is there a setting messed up somewhere?

The only other odd thing I noticed poking around in the Remote console was that the device was displaying the incorrect UTC time, and therefore device time, despite being connected to the internet. It is saying it is March 16 currently (about 2 weeks behind, see second screenshot). I am wondering if this is causing the anomaly in VRM as the data being uploaded may be overwriting past dates? I have tried rebooting the device and will report back if the time updates, but thought I would see if anyone else has this issue.

EDIT: Rebooting the device had no effect on UTC time, it is still displaying incorrectly.

EDIT the second: I changed the local time from the remote console and it changed the UTC time displayed as well. This changed was also reflected on the Rpi system by running "date" in terminal. I guess the question now is why the time isn't updating correctly from the internet.


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1 Answer
smallsolar avatar image
smallsolar answered ·

I guess in some sense I can mark this as answered as the cause of the lack of Solar Yield on VRM is indeed caused by a time synchronization issue on my device. Once I manually set the time in the Remote Console, Solar Yields returned to VRM.

I am however, still unable to get automatic time synchronization working on my device. My understanding is that on Venus this is handled by connman, but I cannot figure out how to get the time sync working.

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