
petrkovac avatar image
petrkovac asked

Cable Lug type for phoenix inverter for grounding


To ground phonenix 12V/500VA, what type of lug should be used for Inverter EARTH connection - to me seems that you can use just bare wire - maybe twisted - there is bolt to secure wire, so i think dont need special lug for it - if someone can confirm or is there good technical way 2 do it?

oTher question -> if you want to stop oxidation, say on chasiss outside for earthing cable, what is good to use to: increase good conductivity and also protection wise, any recommendation. Doing this first time.

Third question - to ground phonenix 12V/500VA -> you just need to connect earth outpuit on inverter to negative battery if i understand this correctly, please prove me wrong if not correct.


Phoenix InverterGrounding
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1 Answer
sailing-cat avatar image
sailing-cat answered ·

Earth and Negative are not exactly the same, and this depends on your installation - whether it is a building (in which case earth should be to a copper pole in the ground) or a vehicle or vessel (in which case its more complicated.)

You need to connect a cable to earth from an inverter that is similar size to the negative cable -- eg: it should be able to handle the same amount of current the device can handle. In that case usually a lug is required because the wire is too thick.

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