
vladimirkonatar avatar image
vladimirkonatar asked

Victron MultiPlus Compact 12-2000-80 Firmware needed

Hi, my model firmware number is 1908142VFD, i cannot find the firmware for my model of Victron equipment. Any kind of help, links or advice is much appreciated, thank you in advance.

firmware update
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1 Answer
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

You can find all FW files here:

You need to use VEflash to update your device:

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vladimirkonatar avatar image vladimirkonatar commented ·

Thank you, i just found the firmware for my model 1908159, i just have one more question, i have firmware without assistants, can i install firmware with assistants which in this case is firmware number 1908209?

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