
arnold-de-maa avatar image
arnold-de-maa asked

Orion-Tr Smart DC-DC Battery Charger / Smart Battery Sense

Hello, As far as I know, the Orion-Tr Smart DC-DC Battery Charger cannot work with the Smart Battery Sense. And also has no charging temperature compensation. Problem is that I have to charge service batteries which can get quite warm (are in the engine room) So I would like to charge temperature compensated AGM batteries with the alternator. The extensive Buck-Boost DC-DC converter does not have this option either. Does anyone have another idea? Regards, Arnold

orion-tr smart
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2 Answers
Robert avatar image
Robert answered ·

Hello, from Victron there is no "clever" product on the market today.

The german Company WCS have a Booster (LBR 60) with up to 60A and temperature compensation for battery AND alternator.

Cheaper then a buckboost as well.

Maybe Victron launched a better Bockboost or Orion in the future.

I wait since two years for a powerfully DC/DC Charger to replace the Orions.

My few orions are only expensive "cabinet heater".

Best regards Robert

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ademaa avatar image
ademaa answered ·



Mastervolt Mac Plus 12/12-50 also

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