
petrikyntomaa avatar image
petrikyntomaa asked

Strobe lights in cabin when charging

The cottage has solar electricity via an inverter 230V. If the battery level gets too low, I charge them with the Blue Smart IP22 Charger 30A charger, in this situation the entire solar system with inverter is separated from the cabin's electrical system with a mains changeover switch and the generator is used. When I plug the charger into the socket while the generator is charging, the cabin lights start flashing like strobe lights. Where could the problem be?

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2 Answers
anthony avatar image
anthony answered ·

Are the lights led or other? What size if the generator?

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petrikyntomaa avatar image petrikyntomaa commented ·

Lights is led 230V and generator is 2500W/230V

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assyntdavid avatar image
assyntdavid answered ·

Is the LED on a dimmer switch? I can a similar issue when I was charging the batteries via the Multi 2 using a generator - until the dimmer blew. All dimmers now replaced by simple switches!



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petrikyntomaa avatar image petrikyntomaa commented ·
No dimmer

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Related Resources


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Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

MultiPlus Generator FAQ

GX - Generator auto start/stop

Automatic Generator start/stop

 Hybrid Generators

Virtual switch - Generator start/stop

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