
acoa032 avatar image
acoa032 asked

ESS system design

I have brand new 20 pieces of victron smart batteries 24v 200AhI would like to use them to make an ESS system that would support my 500kw solar power plant. The system would be installed in a dedicated container. Can someone tell me what all the victron equipment I need for such a system and possibly draw a wiring diagram for me. I need the system to be as cheap as possible and power from 10kw/h and above. My solar power plant works with 26 pieces of Advanced Energy® AE 3TL 17 invertersGreetings from Serbia

system design
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Contact your closest Victron Distributor and the persons who installed your current set up.

That can best advise you.

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daza avatar image
daza answered ·

As @Alexandra said you need to contact distro or electrician for help. I posted a diagram a while back so take a look on the forum @acoa032 it may give you better insight into what you need.

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