
rpvanhal avatar image
rpvanhal asked

Newby Needs help with components choice.

Hello, all new to this, but I have solar panels and I have batteries.

What victron components do I need to build a 3fase system for 18000Wp solar panels combined with 70 KWh of battery storage?

thanks in advance.

solar sizing
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pip895 avatar image pip895 commented ·
Not disagreeing with the other posters - you will undoubtedly need help from a distributor to finalise the design and commission a system. However if you give details of your location (uk/us etc.) and a bit more detail of your setup then you may get more help.
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1 Answer
Jason - UK avatar image
Jason - UK answered ·

@rpvanhal Your supplier will be able to advise on system design. Any Victron distributor should be competent to provide system design advise. You would be better asking this question with your local supplier as they will understand local regulations that you will need to comply with, system settings (operating voltages, frequency shift settings for grid disconnect events, etc)

3fase systems are complex to set up and dangerous if you get it wrong therefore you really want the specialist advise of a competent installer.

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Jason - UK avatar image Jason - UK commented ·


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