
ramahsolarguy avatar image
ramahsolarguy asked

VE.Direct cable minimum bend radius?

I'm having a hard time finding a minimum bend radius listed for the cables in any documentation. The installation I'm working on uses some 2x2 inch (51mm) wire trough and some 2x1 inch. The cables are all too long for the raceway runs (using shortest possible lengths) so I'd like to coil up the excess inside that trough, but am concerned about damaging it. Does anyone know the limit or have experience with either successful tight coils or with damaging them by coiling too tightly?



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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

I don't know if there's a specification, but the cables are very light and are able to take a very tight radius.

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Related Resources

VE.Direct protocol FAQ

Victron Wiring Unlimited PDF

Victron Wiring Unlimited Online

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