
denzel avatar image
denzel asked

MPPT Over paneling


Please can you advise, I want to know if i can add more panels to my setup below ?

Setup :

3 * 24V/3000 Multiplus 1

3 * 250/100 MPPT

I have 5 panels on each controller, with a total voltage of 228V, which means i have 22V capacity remaining. Over the past 90 days "summer" i never went over 194V per controller. Can i add more panels to take me to 250V? What will happen if my Voltage exceeds 250V? Victron recommends over paneling by 30% does this also refer to the PV Voltage ?

MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


No. The 250v string is a hard limit. 194v is the panel under load and that is not the voltage used for sizing.

You can add a second string to the charge controller (of exactly the same config).

Then your set up will be over sized without breaking the input current limit or the VOC limit.

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