
frezy avatar image
frezy asked

IP65 Blue Smart Charger VE.Smart networking


Will VE.Smart networking ever be available for the IP65 Blue Smart Charger at some point?

Best regards,


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2 Answers
billias avatar image
billias answered ·

I would also be interested.

As the difference between voltage in battery and the charger, especially under 15amp load. Varries by 0.6v

If another model comes out, with that under support. I Would easily buy it (modular like the ip65) which replaced my ctek.

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brettvee avatar image
brettvee answered ·

I am also interested as I purchased a Victron Smart Battery Sensor, only to learn later their is no way for my Blue Smart IP65 12/25A Charger to join the VE. Smart Newtork. Or is it possible to connect and I am missing the instructions to connect it?

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Justin Cook avatar image Justin Cook ♦♦ commented ·
Unfortunately, as noted in the VE.Smart Networking manual under the "compatibility" section, the IP65 chagers are not currently VE.Smart Networking capable, though this functionality may be introduced at some point in the future.
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