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exact-electrics asked

Third party LiFePo4 batteries, Multiplus 2, AC mains detect

Hi all. I have a customer who has had 4x Sterling 100Ah LiFePo4 batteries on a boat which have their own BMS which has been installed by others and not very well it seems, and I've been given the mop to clean it up and get it all working. I've installed a couple of the full Victron LiFePo4 systems with the original Multiplus range and installed the assistant, VE. BMS, remote panel and AC mains detector all good. The question I have here is, with the new Multi's this AC mains detector is no longer needed and I assume once you load the assistant it does it's thing and once the batteries disconnect with low voltage, the Multi senses this and kicks in the mains and starts charging the batteries. is there a work around here using third party Lithium batteries with their own non Victron BMS and the AC detector to work? Huge thanks Justin

Multiplus-IILithium Batterymarine
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1 Answer
matt1309 avatar image
matt1309 answered ·

HI @Exact Electrics

Yes there's a solution, if you don't want to/cant setup BMS communication with Victron system then you can use a smart shunt to monitor SoC of the battery (it's what i use on my setup as I didn't want the hassle of setting up JK-BMS communication with Victron system). Of course you still need a BMS on the batteries to monitor balancing and the various other safety limits, but the smart shunt will take care of monitor SoC of the battery for you.

SmartShunt - Victron Energy

2 |3000

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