
dave-martin avatar image
dave-martin asked

BP 12/24v/220v

Ive just bought this device, and reading the manual I have two questions:

  1. Paragraph 2:
    "Reverse current from OUT to IN terminals are strictly forbidden and will damage your device"

    When the engine is on current flows back from the alternator into the battery to charge it up.

    How do we do that?

  2. Paragraph 3:
    "The short circuit protection of the BP will be activated if you try to connect....inverters".

    I have a Mastervolt 220v inverter connected, together with a bunch of other stuff, to my battery.
    How can I do that?

Battery Protect
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1 Answer
michaeld avatar image
michaeld answered ·

Answering both 1 and 2: connect the alternator and inverter to the battery side so they don't go through the BP. You wouldn't want to cut off the alternator while running anyway as it's likely to destroy it. You should set minimum voltages on the inverter itself so it can cut off without needing the BP.

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