
brimmel1 avatar image
brimmel1 asked

Victron 100/20 with Deye sun600g3 inverter connected to load output


i would like to connect an already bought Deye sun600g3 Inverter to the Load Output of the Victron 100/20 Charge Controller. When connecting the inverter to the load output, the load output turns off and can't be turned on.

When disconnecting the Inverter i can measure the correct voltage on the load output.

I have read a few discussions here mentioing problems with interters because of there input current when connteing/turning them on.

Could this be the reason for the described behaviour ?

How can i get around this issue and get the inverter working on the load ouput of the 100/20 ?

The 100/20 is running @24V because of the connected LifePO4 24V Battery and connected to 1 of 2 existing Panels with 400W each.

Is the 24V a problem regarding to the 600W inverter ?

i was planing to change the system to 48V as soon as i got it working. should it be working with the 600W inverter connected to the 100/30 running @48V ?

kind regards


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1 Answer
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·


Victron don't recommend inverters be applied to load terminals of their mppts.

And that's a pv panel microinverter. With it's own mpp trackers and all. It has no place running in such an application that it's not even remotely designed for.

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