
alaskannoob avatar image
alaskannoob asked

Can MPPT RS charge at voltage that exceeds Lynx rating?

The MPPT RS data sheet states that it can compensate for voltage drop and temperature and provide a charge voltage above 60VDC.


The Lynx Distributor is rated for 60VDC max.

Is this a potential issue and is there a way to limit charge voltage in the MPPT RS to 60VDC?

My batteries are Pylontech US5000 and will be wired into the Cerbo via BMS.CAN. From what I understand, despite my charge settings, the Pylontech BMS will command the voltage to be charged at. I'm not sure what they will command as far as voltage so I'm unsure if the Lynx may end up getting more than 60VDC and whether or not this will be an issue. It does seem that even in DVCC mode, it may be possible to set a "Maximum charge voltage" limit and perhaps allow the BMS to command the charge controllers while still limiting the voltage? Many thanks for any help!

mppt rs
mppt-over-60vdc.png (201.0 KiB)
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1 Answer
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

It can go up to 62V if you set it up for that.

Pylontech is 15S LiFePO4, 62V would be over 4V/cell and that would kill the battery.

With lithium batteries the temperature compensation is deactivated and Pylontech is only charged to around 52-53V.

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alaskannoob avatar image alaskannoob commented ·

Thanks Matthias, so it sounds like I don't need to do anything special to ensure the Lynx doesn't get more than 60VDC from the MPPT. With short 4/0 cables and no temp adjustments, it sounds impossible the MPPTs would put out more than 60VDC.

Much appreciated.

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