
jan-landsberg avatar image
jan-landsberg asked

DC System add on

Hi, I have a grid tied system with an 8kw Quatro and a 5kW SMA. The SMA is running at it's max with PV. I also have 40kW of lithium storage. I need 10kW more solar power and would like to add this via panels and charge controller.

1. Is there any limit to consider when adding a DC system vie panels and charge controller to the victron?

2. Where can I find information on the Victron site on how to configure such setup once installed?

dc system
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2 Answers
Peter Buijs - NL avatar image
Peter Buijs - NL answered ·

Maybe this is what you are looking for?

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jan-landsberg avatar image
jan-landsberg answered ·

Thank Peter, yes I think it did. So in short the SMA is already set for frequency shifting and it has been working well. It's coupled to the output of the Victron.

No limit to the DC system via charge controllers and I just need to keep the battery needs in mind to get the right MPPT.

Sounds too easy..

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