
sebastianibp avatar image
sebastianibp asked

Venus GX usage / consumption

The Usage rate of Venus GX by Datasheet is 110 mA at 24 V.

I think thats Peak - so does somebody knows the average usage of his Venus GX.

We want to build a little bridge monitoring system with very small panel - so the usage of all parts of the system must as little as possible - and 0,11 A * 24 V = 2,64 W is too much (if it ist a permanent value). Thank u in advance. IBP from Berlin

Venus GX - VGX
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2 Answers
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

That's about average from what I remember.
My system did average about 2W in the early days, now it's about 3W because of all the services that I have running and peripherals that I have connected.
It depends upon how many peripherals and services that are running. You can turn certain services off like MQTT to reduce energy usage. Each USB device adds to the consumption.

It's really not a bad rate of consumption for such a capable computer system. I'm not sure you'd be able to do much better than that. I think a RaspberryPi based system is closer to 4W.

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robinjay avatar image robinjay commented ·

My RPi 3B+ (Venus 2.23) power consumption (powered by AC adapter):

Ethernet connected

Wifi usb dongle (Ralink RT5370), powered up and sees access point, but not connected

Adafruit FTDI usb to serial adapter

Adafruit Ultimate GPS with powered antenna

RPi 7" touch screen, dimmed down to the "i" on "time" but still usable

KillaWatt shows: 5 watts with screen on or off, sometimes 4

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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

The LoRaWan module is available for very low power consumption applications.

Power consumption is a mere 8.5 mA at 24V.

There are other implications too of course, you would also need a gateway -

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