
alaskannoob avatar image
alaskannoob asked

Does a single Multiplus II work with the Victron Autotransformer?

The Victron Autotransformer manual says in Section 2.1 that the AT can operate with "a" Multiplus or Quatro. That would seem to suggest that only one Multiplus II is required to work with the AT. Additionally, the diagram above Section 2.4 shows a single 240V inverter wired to the AT.

The Multiplus II manual seems to suggest that two or more Multiplus II are required if I'm reading it correctly (which I may well not be). It says "using several devices" it's possible to do Split Phase with the Autotransformer.

Can somebody please confirm if a single Multiplus II can work with the Victron Autotransformer? Many thanks. It seems that it can, but I just want to confirm this.

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1 Answer
Nate avatar image
Nate answered ·

The Autotransfer can be used with either 1 or 2 inverters depending on what you are attempting to do with it. in case of step down or step up operations you only need 1

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alaskannoob avatar image alaskannoob commented ·

Thank you very much. We are taking single phase 240V and stepping it down to two legs of 120V, so it seems that we only need one inverter to do this. Much appreciated.

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