
4rvfun avatar image
4rvfun asked

Looking for Compatible Burglar Alarm

Hello, I am new to the whole Victron ecosystem and I have been losing my mind trying to find concrete information on this.

I am trying to set up a Cerbo GX so that it will give some kind of alert when there is motion detected inside an RV, but I don't know how to find a compatible motion detector.

Does anyone know what kinds of motion detectors would work in this situation, especially if they are wireless?

cerbo gx
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1 Answer
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

A motion detector that has a volt free output contact could be connected to one of the digital inputs on the Cerbo GX and is able to be set as a burglar alarm in the Cerbo GX. Not sure about wireless. I found this which might work even though it is sold for switching lights and is UK as an example of what to look for, it has a volt free contact and would work from an RVs DC power.

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4rvfun avatar image 4rvfun commented ·
Thank you for the answer! I see they have a US store, but that one pretty expensive. I don't find anything else when I search 'volt-free' except from that same site. What exactly does volt-free mean, and are there any different names for it?
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pwfarnell avatar image pwfarnell 4rvfun commented ·
Volt free means that the ouput is just a switch, either open or closed, the switch does not output a voltage. It could be a relay contact. Also known as a dry contact.
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pwfarnell avatar image pwfarnell 4rvfun commented ·

Thinking about this, my boat has a 12V motion sensor which turns on a small 12V light, I know this is UK again but it gives an idea, see

The output of this type of device is a full 12V so can not be connected to the Cerbo GX digital input, it would blow the input. But the output of the motion sensor could be connected to a small relay and the relay output switch could be connected to the Verbo GX digital input.

Any option like this or the previous one would need the digital input or the detector having an on/off switch to arm the device when required otherwise you will get continuous alarms when you are on board.

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4rvfun avatar image 4rvfun pwfarnell commented ·

Thank you for the additional info. I think I am understanding what I am looking for, does this one look like something that would work to you? It looks like it has 2 wires for power and 2 wires for the signal.

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pwfarnell avatar image pwfarnell 4rvfun commented ·
I checked the manual and it appears that it should work as it is 9 to 15V with a relay output. The only comment that I have is the relay output is listed as Normally closed and open on alarm. This is the sage way for alarms as someone cutting the wires causes an alarm. However, the Cerbo GX expects open when normal and closed for alarm condition so when setting up the Cerbo GX you will have to invert the digital input in the settings.
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