
cgesmike avatar image
cgesmike asked

BMV-712 storing trends for all but Consumed Amp Hours

Using VictronConnect on Android updated to the latest version, I'm looking at trends for my BMV-712 and can zoom out in time and see stored history for all of soc, temp, volts, current, and power, but when I select consumed amp hours it only shows the real-time reading plus whatever history is kept as long as the app remains opened and connected to the battery monitor. Is Ah something that is still not kept in the device's history?

An interesting note, probably unrelated, is that there is a blank window of about 17 minutes showing no stored trends at all, of any of the values. That empty window of time coincides with some of the time I was opening and closing the app trying to figure out why no Ah history existed (during the past hour).

BMV Battery MonitorVictronConnect
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mark-a avatar image mark-a commented ·

"Is Ah something that is still not kept in the device's history?"

Apparently yes, its the same issue here.

"An interesting note, probably unrelated, is that there is a blank window of about 17 minutes …"

I also experienced an issue like that occasionally but it was temporary and disappeared when I left the trend display and returned later. Seems to be a transient proplem with getting the historical data from the device.

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wmoriarty9 avatar image wmoriarty9 commented ·
Having the same issue, no stored consumed AH trends.
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1 Answer
vicky avatar image
vicky answered ·

Same issue here, no trend for consumed Ah.

Victon connect 6.07

BMV-712 (a381), Firmware 4.16

Android13, OneUI 5.1

Is there anybody out there where this works ?

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