
Dylan Tucker avatar image
Dylan Tucker asked

2 core 12v cable - temp rating and insulation

Hi everyone - I’m currently making purchases for my system and a buying cable (2 core 1.5mm for all the 12v work). What seemed like a simple task gas given me a bit of option paralysis that I was hoping for some help with. I’ve read that I need arctic rated cables but these cables are extremely thick such as this (9mm outside diameter which seems excessive for 12v). I then also see sites run by electrics experts who are selling very stock standard 2 core as their 12v option. I’m also confused because the auto electrics in the van aren’t this protected. I’m the UK where it doesn’t get that cold or hold (-10 Celsius is about as cold as it gets and very rarely).

any advice appreciated, thanks for reading

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3 Answers
sharpener avatar image
sharpener answered ·

For fixed wiring that will remain undisturbed I don't think you need worry. I have installed ordinary PVC 1.5mm^2 wiring outdoors where it gets down to -8 without any issues.

Where arctic cable is useful is for connections that need to stay flexible, e.g. temporary outdoor wiring for portable appliances and the like. TLC are a bit cheaper than your link £1.01 per meter plus VAT.

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Dylan Tucker avatar image Dylan Tucker commented ·
Thanks! That tlc link is for 3 core but I know what to look for now. I saw this from screwfix but it says it’s 7 strands which seems low - am I right in assuming that?

thanks again

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Dylan Tucker avatar image Dylan Tucker commented ·

Here we are how is this

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sharpener avatar image
sharpener answered ·

They are both to the 3182Y spec. I think the "7 strand" description must be an error. Either will do IMO.

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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Also bear in mind voltage drop/heating with thin cable. For some of the runs I needed 4mm and the alternator to battery feed is 10mm.

Arctic cable is meant for the 230V side. You should use 2.5mm three core.

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