
tomd87 avatar image
tomd87 asked

Can I cut DC cables shorter on bluesmart charger and add lugs


I have a 25A Bluesmart 12v IP65 charger which I am permanently installing in my Ute canopy connected to a 170ah lithium battery. On the DC(output) side of the charger the cables are too long and I'd like to cut them shorter, add lugs and wire through a MIDI fuse on the positive lead. Will the charger still work properly with the DC side cables cut shorter and wired through a fuse?



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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


I suppose you don't want to hear this but there is an accessory that takes a blade fuse. Not sure what connection you are wanting to use so I linked the whole page of options.

Technically cutting the cable is a modification to the product so may void the warranty, so from that side could be an issue. Ask your supplier.

But if you cut it shorter it shouldn't (from the standpoint of electronics) affect its functionality if done correctly.

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