
dampcave avatar image
dampcave asked

Are bulk and absorption voltages the same?

I have a Multiplus compact 2000, 24v battery bank. Looking up the battery manufacturer's recommendations for charging voltage settings (They are Trojan model L16RE-B), they say to set Bulk at 29.64 and Float at 27.00. There is no recommendation for Absorption voltage. And the Multiplus does not have a voltage setting for Bulk, only for Absorption. Do I enter the recommended Bulk voltage for Absorption in the charger?

I wasn't quite able to find this answer by searching the forum. Thanks in advance.

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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markobaldo avatar image markobaldo commented ·

You’ll find that Trojan lists the Absorption/Bulk charge as being the same on this page of the Trojan website. Scroll about 2/3 of the way down under “Charging.” There’s a chart listing the voltage parameters.

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markobaldo avatar image markobaldo markobaldo commented ·

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dampcave avatar image dampcave markobaldo commented ·
I see that now. Thank you!
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1 Answer
klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

Do I enter the recommended Bulk voltage for Absorption in the charger?

Yes, bulk and absorption are the same value.

4 stage charging is explained the back of the manual.


Dont forget to apply the correct temperature compensation.

4-stage-charging.png (165.5 KiB)
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