
Anton avatar image
Anton asked

Save settings of Multis for case of loss of battery monitor

Hello community,

I have new system consisting of:

  • 3x Multi-II 5000/48
  • 1x SmartSolar 250/100
  • 1x Fronius Symo 15-3-M in microgrid
  • 2x battery 22S x 5P x Yinlong LTO 66160 (2.3V 40Ah) + JK BMS
  • battery driver
  • aggregator of multiple batteries (my code) set as battery monitor

When I work on aggregate-batteries and restart the service during charging of almost full battery with very low current, the battery monitor (of course) is lost for short period of time. When the service appears again and the current measurement is visible, the current is too high during first seconds, before the service sets the right charge current again.

Could you explain me, what exactly happens during the time when the battery monitor is lost? Or what happens if the Venus is down? Is it possible to set up the Multis and MPPTs in such manner, that in the cases above the charge and discharge is disabled?


Best regards,

Battery Protect
2 |3000

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