
carl-dewever avatar image
carl-dewever asked

buck-boost connected to LiFePo4 batteries

I am planning a buck-boost between my alternator and service battery (LiFePo) on my boat.
This is a non-victron lifepo-battery with REC-BMS.
Should I put a smartshunt between the battery and buck-boost to prevent overcharging? Or can I switch off the buck-boost with a relay signal from the REC BMS?

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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

A SmartShunt is for battery monitoring, it won't directly prevent a battery from being over charged.
The Buck Boost has an input to switch it on or off externally, like a relay contact from your REC system.
Check out the Buck Boost manual for hardware details:

Within the manual is a screenshot of the software and you can see what options are available to configure the input to your needs.

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remcomeeder avatar image remcomeeder commented ·
You can also install the software for the Buck-Boost and use the built in demo mode. Gives nice insights in the workings.
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