
markcouz avatar image
markcouz asked

Smart shunt bluetooth and VE.Direct simultaneous use?

I have a BMV-702 and 2x SmartSolar 100/30 chargers. The SmartSolar chargers are Smart Networked and monitored using Victron Connect on my cell phone, the BMV is monitored on my (allways on) PC using a VE.Direct to USB cable.

I would like to add the BMV to the Smart Network but still be able to monitor the battery info on the PC. I have a Bluetooth dongle which will allow me to connect the BMV to the Smart Network, but then I lose the PC monitoring.

So my question is...

If I get a Smart Shunt which has Bluetooth and VE.Direct, can I link the Bluetooth output to Smart Network and still monitor the shunt on my PC using the VE.Direct to USB cable?

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1 Answer
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @markcouz

Yes, that's possible. VE.Direct communication works independently of Bluetooth.

1 comment
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markcouz avatar image markcouz commented ·

Great, thanks.

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