
anthony-d avatar image
anthony-d asked

Multiplus AC2out relay switching life that can reasonably be expected?

Hi, I'm doing a simple Multiplus voltage-triggered dump load on a system for a friend. The system works fine and dumps every 10 minutes or so; however, I'd like to reduce the latency, to get more of available solar to dump. Problem is, I am concerned about reducing the life of AC2out relay by switching 50 times a day.

I appreciate there are more elegant ways of driving dump, but they are on a limited budget.


MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

I do not think that 50 times a day would be a issue. there is not limit in the specs and the only way to know for sure is to look at the relay brand and check its specs -

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anthony-d avatar image anthony-d commented ·
Hi Paul, Thanks for your input.
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