
Robert M.O. Seidel avatar image
Robert M.O. Seidel asked

Do i need a BMV712 Monitor and LinkxShunt in same time.

do I need a BMV712 monitor if I mount a CerboGX with a VE Linx Shunt VE.Can? What information will I miss without the monitor?

cerbo gxBMV Battery Monitor
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1 Answer
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @Robert M.O. Seidel

You get all the information you would get with a BMV-712 plus additional features such as integrated system fuse, VE.Can/NMEA 2000 communications. The question to ask is, does your system require a Lynx Shunt (rated up to 1000A) or does a BMV-712 serve the same purpose for a less powerful system.

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Robert M.O. Seidel avatar image Robert M.O. Seidel commented ·

Thanks for the answer Stefanie. The BMV 712 shunt has an additional input for voltage monitoring of the starter battery. does the LinkyShunt have this too or does the Cerbo have additional inputs to monitor other batteries? I'm also looking through the manuals for the devices. But if you know the answer right away, even better.

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Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ Robert M.O. Seidel commented ·


Neither the Lynx Shunt nor the Cerbo GX (a GX device can't measure voltage at all) can monitor an auxiliary battery. The Lynx Shunt also doesn't have Bluetooth (like the BMV-712 or SmartShunt).

For a quick overview of all the features, see the datasheet for the Lynx Shunt and the Cerbo GX.

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