
Tom Ranson avatar image
Tom Ranson asked

Ultramax LI100-24BLU 24v 100Ah LiFePO4 Battery in for ESS installation

Hi all, I am considering the following battery for my existing 24V ESS installation. It appears to be a well-reviewed, economically priced, Bluetooth-BMS enabled battery which is easily sourced in the UK. I have linked the specification sheet. Could I please request some honest feedback on if this looks like a good fit?

If I have multiple of these in parallel, do I need a battery balancer?

Ultramax LI100-24BLU 24v 100Ah LiFePO4

Many thanks.

Lithium Battery
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2 Answers
klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

Looks like every other Chinese made battery.

For every battery, some goose will take to it with a chisel, and a heat gun before they test it. Battery destruction.

Perhaps give them a call and ask for details to set up your charger? Bulk and float voltages etc. No info = no after sales service.

No need for a balancer. Make sure you fully charge the batts before connecting in parallel. Proper battery parallel cabling is essential.

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Tom Ranson avatar image Tom Ranson commented ·
@klim8skeptic all understood, many thanks for the advice.

They seem to offer good bang for buck. And they have stock in the UK, which some other desireable vendors don't at this time. I've done some forum searching elsewhere and they seem to get good reviews from everyone that's using them.

I'll give them a call tomorrow and ask re. setting up with Victron.

Thanks for confirming that no balancer is required for parallel batteries. Understood that they need to be fully charged (top balanced I believe is the term?) before connecting together.

When you refer to proper parallel cabling, could you elaborate please?

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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ Tom Ranson commented ·

Proper cross diagonal connection is essential so that both batteries share the load / charge current equally. Charge and loads connected to the same terminals.


Image courtesy Trojan Batteries.

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parallel-batts.png (46.2 KiB)
Tom Ranson avatar image Tom Ranson klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·

@klim8skeptic cool, I thought that was what you were referring to.

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Tom Ranson avatar image
Tom Ranson answered ·

@klim8skeptic cool, I thought that was what you were referring to.

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