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eirik asked

Help: Password for remote console on VGX


I have a Venus, running version 2.30~47. So far, VRM/Remote console through wifi and LAN have worked nicely in my boat, and I have also been able to access the Venus remotely via VRM/remote console.

Yesterday, I had some access issues and tried to set the Remote Console password. After having rebooted the Venus, I was asked to enter the password for Remote Console. I entered the password I (believe I) had entered, but I get a message of erroneous password. I also get the suggestion to enter a new one on the Color Control, which obviously will not work, since this a Venus, and the only way seems to be able to access it is via... Remote console.

Of course, I have tried variants of the password, but to no avail.

The password request is required whether I access Remote Console, through VRM, or directly to the IP address of the Venus (either through the on-board wifi host, LAN or the Venus being a wifi client).

Is there a way as to how to reset the password, or reset the Venus if need be, or other ways so that I can access Remote Console?


B/R Eirik

Venus GX - VGX
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3 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

No there is no other way your will need to do a full factory reset.

there was post a few days ago that did a reset as well

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eirik avatar image
eirik answered ·

Thanks. I tried what appears to be the factory reset button on the top left of the Venus, but it only seems to work halfway: after having pressed and restarted the Venus, it would no longer logon to the wifi network (I.e. this information was reset). However, when accessing it via its internal wifi server, I would still be requested a Remote console password. So obviously this has not been reset.

Thus, I guess that I need to follow the logon procedure as described in the other thread, which appears much more cumbersome?

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eirik avatar image
eirik answered ·

Ok. Resolved it by following the reset procedure as described on github, i.e. by reinstalling the software on it from an SDC card. Actually quite straightforward. Then it was a matter of redoing the setup.

The VGX works, but for some reason the WiFi server has disappeared, i.e. there is no Venus WiFi network to log on to (it is enabled in the setup, however). I can access the VGX via the Ethernet cable, but it would be nice with direct WiFi access. The VGX can also log on to other WiFi networks. Any suggestions?


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