Will it or is it already possible to see if LiFePo battery heating via Can.bus?
As it is now both the Victron integration and VRM will incorrectly report charging when a can bus battery is actually heating, as I assume the battery will report heating as charging, as it is drawing a current for heating via PV and this confuses the reporting in VRM.
It would appear that the Victron system node can currently only report idle/charge/discharge of the the "Can-bus BMS battery" as it is now as far as I can tell. I did find a new function in the BMV node that reports "number of nodes blocking discharge" but so far not seeing anything usable from that.
I guess my question is if this is a feature request for Victron or if I should ask my battery developer to add new messages from the "Can-bus BMS battery" when it is heating that I can then use in Node red for GUI reporting. Any advice appreciated!