
kunda avatar image
kunda asked

Help with designing a system with MultiPlus 24v/5000va/120a

I would like to know if I can connect my 24v/5000va/120amp inverter to solar panels and the right charge controller to use. I want to use it with four 12v/220Ah AGM batteries.

I have a farm and I want to use it for a a 6hose power water pump

Multiplus-IIsystem design
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1 Answer
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi Kunda,

Welcome to the community. The best place to get an answer for your system design questions would be a local Victron professional - try finding the one closest to you and get in touch with them

There are many factors to consider with whole system design and this community isn’t the best place to cover them all.

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