
motylu avatar image
motylu asked

Limit MultiPlus-II feed-in current in parallel installation


is it possible to limit feed-in current individually in Multis in parallel installation? I want to limit feed-in current to grid to 8 A for each Multi to achieve max. 16 A per phase.

In Grid code settings for Europe there is "Max. AC current xx.x % of INom" desribed as "Maximum AC current for charge and feed in". If I set this parameter to 72.5 % (approx. 8 A) in both Multis, will it work as I expected?


Many thanks for answer.

Multiplus-IIcurrent limitfeed-in limit
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3 Answers
Rob Duthie avatar image
Rob Duthie answered ·


The master unit takes control of the current sharing you set that to what you like and it tell the other inverter to do the same, as far as i know it can't be set for each one.

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motylu avatar image motylu commented ·

Hello @Rob Duthie ,

so if I set 8 A in master and slave Multi in one phase (let's say L3), total feed-in current to grid in phase L3 will be limited to 8 A or 16 A? Or all Multis will be limited according to master in phase L1?

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Rob Duthie avatar image
Rob Duthie answered ·

Limited to the number of parallel units so 16 Amps if master is set to 8Amps

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motylu avatar image
motylu answered ·

Hi @Rob Duthie ,

I tested this settings in three installations and unfortunately system does not work as expected... If I limit both Multis in one phase (two Multis in parallel) to 72.5 % (approx. 8 A), total output current is limited to 16 A, but not only output current for feed-in, but also to home installation connected on AC-out. So this settings seems to be "inverter" output limit, but not only limit for feed-in, as is described in VEConfigure dialog.

Is it possible to limit only output current/power for feed-in (to AC-in) in parallel Multis, but not limiting output current/power to AC-out?

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larsea-dk avatar image larsea-dk commented ·

Very interesting. Mine is also limited to 3.6kW on my 48/5000 mp2 due to grid code restriction when I run single phase feedin on my 3phase system. But the limit is also not for grid feedin, it is for the output of the inverter and then includes both grid feedin and my ac loads. This restriction should be controlled by my smartmeter, which my system of course can read….but this is not the case.

I have thought of checking of I can remove the grid code and then set my own restriction value. But I’m not sure what else information is in “the grid code” setting.

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