Good day,
I have a customer which has only a Grid connection 400V-3P with 125A (50kW) and has several times per month a power loss because of weak Grid Cable. An own Transformative Station 250A would cost approximately 1,8mio Euro.
Hence my idea was already 2 years ago, to put 6-12 Quattos with 15kVA in the Grid line, add 120kW of Solarpanels using 4 Fronius Inverter with 30kW and then some MPPTs.
I use in my smaller installations where I need more then one MPPT the 250/100 VE.Can which allow upto 25 in parallel syncronised.
However, installing 12 or more small ones sounds odd, especially if Victron has the RS450/200 which support 10kW of panels.
Hence the question is now:
Can 4-6 of the RS450/200 be syncronised like the smaller VE.Can brother?
Thanks for your help