
sailorgirl avatar image
sailorgirl asked

MPPT SmartSolar controller not connecting via bluetooth

I have a SmartSolar charge controller and it is working. What is not working is connecting to a device via bluetooth. On both the iPhone (12) and the iPad the apps have been uninstalled and reinstalled. They are up to date. Using only one device at a time, I can see the controller in the app. What I can't see is the controller under the bluetooth settings. I have disconnected the controller from the battery and solar panels. I am 12" away from the controller. When I try to connect in the app it will not pair because the controller is not available via bluetooth. What is wrong?

MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


There is a troubleshooting section in the Victron Connect manual, have you tried any of the steps there?

I dont think you are supposed to pair to it using settings or at least you dont on android, just through the app. (You can unpair from there though) more information on pairing here.

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