
Al avatar image
Al asked

How to monitor for shore disconnect with AC Ignore


When using DVCC and AC ignore for a houseboat, I would still like to know if the shore side breakers have tripped.

Currently it's not possible when using AC ignore, as the alarm is triggered whilst the ACin is ignored whether there is power available at the AC input or not.

This is for a 48v system with 6kW solar, Multi 5k and Cerbo.

I'm assuming I can use a NC relay sensing ACin to trigger an optocoupler to open on LOM, with the outputs into the digital inputs on Cerbo for an alarm on loss of shore power, using the generator alarm?

But I'm trying to work out the best way of doing this to power the relay considering the batteries are 48vDC and mains at 230vAC, any thoughts or previous experiences and component suggestions much appreciated.

ac ignoreshore disconnectlom
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

I have a red pilot light fed from before the victron. If it is dark - no grid.

Are you wanting more of a vrm triggered alert?

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Al avatar image Al Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Yeah, the houseboat isn't occupied all the time, and by others who may not notice a dark pilot light, so a VRM + Cerbo alarm would be better.

It's a shame it's not possible simply in Venus already, but maybe that's hardware limited to where and how ACin is sensed.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ Al commented ·

There is probably a way. Definitely a solution would need to be explored

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2 Answers
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

Assuming you are using ignore AC input to prioritize battery usage over grid power, you could build something with Node Red to monitor your prioritizing parameters Like SOC, time of day, etc. and switch the Multi/Quattro to Invert Only. The AC input tile on the flow page goes blank in this case but the AC input parameters in the Multi's menu remain active.

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Al avatar image Al commented ·

Yes, that's a good plan, I haven't dipped my toes into Node Red yet though.

It's the GX that has the monitor for shore power disconnect, which can't be used with AC ignore as on my own system:


I guess that's irrelevant if I used node red as you suggest, but I'm worried the learning curve is longer than the time I have for now, certainly on the cards though, but I was suspecting someone must have done this with relays already and have some tips?

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Al avatar image
Al answered ·

Am I over thinking it, do I need an optocoupler and 3.3v power supply?

Could I just have the coil of a 220v relay connected to before ACin, which could open the contacts on loss of shore power, and the relay contacts potential free connected to the Cerbo digital input to trigger an alarm? Using something like this:


220v-relay.jpg (104.8 KiB)
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