in order to optimize external (connected at AC-IN1) and internal (connected to AC-OUT1) sources (AC PV-Inverters, CHP) because the external PV is used within existing long term contract with the grid provider - in short, for each kWh from this source feeded into the grid (sold) Euros are feed back ;-). Extendending the internal sources to a comparable level to internal sinks (large battery in in place) i would like to minimize the external PV for 'internal sources/charging'. After checking all parameters available via Modbus and/or dbus, i found the GUI changable parameter at Settings->ESS->Grid Metering (allows 'Inverter' and 'external meter' to be selected) which results in the desired system behaviour. In order to set these parameter from 'outside of VenusOS' haven't found (yet) the corresponding parameter mapped to dbus or modbus. Did someone out here have an indicator where to look at ?
best regards,