I would like to know the most accurate Temperature sensor to use to control my New Smart Solar MPPT either through DVCC , VE Direct or Bluetooth . I have a temperature sensor connected to the Multiplus , another to the Cerbo , both show increments of 1 degree only . I have an identical Sensor of the same type I use on my Old style MPPT that I am about to upgrade and appears to be more detailed and shows increments if 1/10 degree on VRM and controls the MPPT likewise using fractions of a degree rather than a full 1 degree jump each time but i dont know if the data is provided so precisely because it comes from the MPPT or what is provided from the New MPPTs . I plan to install a Smart shunt next month so that will give me another option , so many options ,If anyone could advise me which is the best one to use . The screenshot taken of both at the same time shows the different displays/outputs . Which of the following would be the better and most accurate method .
Temperature sensor from Neg battery post to Cerbo then DVCC to MPPT
Smart Shunt to Cerbo vie VE Direct then DVCC to MPPT
Smart Shunt to MPPT via VE Direct cable
Smart Shunt to MPPT via Bluetooth
Smart Sense to MPPT Bluetooth
Any advice would be very much appreciated