
arnout avatar image
arnout asked

Best mppt Settings for optima yellow top


I have a 100 watt panel, a 75/15 mppt and now a 75ah optima yellow top.

It powers a Small 18l compressor fridge and charges a few usb devices.

The previous battery, a beaut amg was used 6 weeks and lived only 2 years, and i would like the optima to last a bit longer.

What are the best settings for the mppt? i can adjust them with the dongle

Kindly, Arnout

MPPT Controllers
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3 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

Hi Arnout, you would need to contact the battery supplier and to get the charge specs for that battery

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arnout avatar image
arnout answered ·

The manual states you can charge between 13,8 and 15 V for cyclic use and float between 13,2 and 13,8 Volts, somewhere on the website they mention 14,7 volts for cyclic use, and they also mention 15,7V for rapid recharge.

The question is, what is the optimal setting?

I would set it at 14,7v bulk, and 13,2 float.

The discharge they mention is only 10,5 Volts, but i think i would kill the output at 11,8 V, typically 30% soc for agm.

But there might be peopel with more experience.

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JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

I've looked for their temp compensation recommendations before, and can't find them. That doesn't inspire me.

If you want them to last, back off a little to maybe the 75/15 defaults (maybe 14.4V Abs 13.8 Float) or even less. It will make little difference to your charge speed. Temp compensation will drive that a little higher in cold weather anyway.

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