
teckau avatar image
teckau asked

Dealer refusing administrative permissions!?


I got an installation set up on my house in Spain. Massive problems with the company installing it, errors, alarms, unanswered questions, no fuses where there should have been according to the Victron docs, too little fuse burning their plastic holder and so forth. No trust in this dealer anymore. He rewoked my administrative rights on my system! I know that I can help myself by swapping out the GX and kicking him out of the installation. My question is: Is this something that's happing commonly or is this a Spanish thing or did I just contract such a special character to set my things up? I am REALLY interested in your experiences and the common concepts how this is done usually when there is (or not) a problem between installer/dealer and owner. I am German BTW...

Thanks anybody for sharing comments!



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3 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

usually the installer looks after the site with the approval of the owner, the owner controls who is allowed to have access.

if the relationship gets brocken then the owner should take over the sites control and responsibility, of doing any changes are the owners. its always best to resolve any issues with your dealer.

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wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

I think your installer is a little bit special.
If he sold you the system and took your money, then you are the owner of the system and you should be full administrator of the system. You, as the owner, can then elect other people to be users or administrators if you so wish. Anyone, no matter who they think they are, needs to ask permission from the system owner for access of any kind.
If an installer want's to maintain ownership of the system then they should not take your money.

Imagine if you buy a car, but the dealer decides whether or not you should drive the car or not and you have to ask him permission first before you can drive to work. That dealer would be out of business pretty quickly.

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teckau avatar image
teckau answered ·

Thanks for replying!

It got even worse:
After rewoking my administrative rights the installer/dealer swapped out (actually back to what he sold) my Cerbo to CCGX. While I preserved everything including data, (his) language, etc he decided to make it a new installation in VRM and then deleted my old one (the one with the data that potentially proofs his mistakes and the solved problemes). I am now at a very different level of problem here... That might explain what has happend to some extend if not fully. Beware of such people... It costs you more then just money.

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