
leoo avatar image
leoo asked

Grid Lost alarm not written to modbus register

Hi everyone!

I recently installed the following system:

3x MP2 5000
4x Pylontech US5000
1x Fronius Symo 15-3
1x Cerbo GX

I must say that I am really pleased with the quality of the Victron components and the documentation/knowledge available to do things in a DIY manner. However reading the modbus registers on my Cerbo I encountered an issue while testing.

I am pulling data from all modbus registers once a second. This data is written to InfluxDB and aggregated/downsampled to 3 minutes granularity. The 1s data is retained for 24h allowing me to do real time dashboarding e.g. to monitor alarm states.


Testing most alarms is difficult but the Grid-Lost alarm can be tested easily by pulling the main breaker on the Grid-Side aka AC-IN. The Cerbo reports a Grid-Lost Alarm about 15-30s after the grid was lost. The Modbus Register 64 (Unit: 227 or 100) should write a "2" for an alarm state but remains at "0".

Unfortunately this is not very confidence inspiring since I am building a whole alerting system that relies on these registers being accurate.

Does anyone have an Idea why the register remains at 0?


cerbo gxModbus TCPgridmonitoringalarm
13192-image.png (653.8 KiB)
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1 Answer
llhotka avatar image
llhotka answered ·

I am experiencing the same problem. Another register that displays always zero (even though Cerbo GX has the correct value) is #309 (Capacity) for Pylontech battery (unit ID 225).

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