I have tested my Phoenix Smart 24/3000 connected to a battery to charge a car with 10A at 230V and at a cool ambient temperature of +8°C. The Phoenix is mounted on a concrete wall and there is plenty of free air below and above the Phoenix. The air and the wall did not heated up significantly during this test.
The remote console showed 2.25...2.3kW during the test. But after ~2h the Phoenix sent a temperature warning and turned off completely some minutes later. I did not expected a high temperature shutdown at this low ambient temperatures. For sure in summer I would have expected this behaviour as Phoenix is rated for 2400W up to +25°C ambient temperature. But it looks like I have to reduce the charging current even in the winter season (need a new charging cable to test).
Does anybody can confirm this behavior or is it possible my Phoenix has an cooling/efficiency issue and should be claimed at Victron?
Thanks in advance, any hint is appreciated.