
Greg Griessel avatar image
Greg Griessel asked

Newbie - Phoenix Inverter Compact - question ?

So just got my hands on a Phoenix Compact, 24/1600 ... from reading up i see it doesnt have any 220/240V AC input to charge batteries/passthrough to Loads ...

So I guess I'm gonna need a "charger" for topping up my 24v batteries when no Solar feed from MPPT?

Any suggestions on what charger to use for batteries? i fully understand that I also cannot use this to run AC loads .. just for battery charge top-up

I do have a Cerbo-GX so a charger that can be "managed" would be great :-)

Thx all

Phoenix Inverter
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1 Answer
Alistair Warburton avatar image
Alistair Warburton answered ·

Victron Phoenix Smart IP43 Chargers & Victron Skylla-IP65 Battery Chargers both have communication ports that are probably compatible with a GX device.
Look for VE.Direct / VE.Bus / VE.Can

You will need to download the manuals and check what functionality is available.

Most of the small stuff is not GX compatible but much of it is Bluetooth enabled and will talk to the Victron Connect App

Once you have some possibilities you can search for info on a specific units compatibility with a GX device.

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