We have the following system installed :
- 3 x Quattro 15 KW / AC1 to genset – AC2 to grid (average supply is 1h/24h)
- Cerbo GX Venus 2.92
- 10 x Smartsolar MPPT 250/100 connected to 120 x Longi 455 Wp half-cell panels
- 2 x Fronius 27-0-3 with Datamanager 2.0 connected to 2 x 80 x Longi 455 Wp half-cell panels
- 60 x Pylontech US2000 lithium batteries
- Pylontech LV Hub
Our problem is :
When the batteries are full, the Quattros feed to AC loads is ZERO, while the 2 Fronius deliver full solar power.
Can you help, please ?